Bacteria can easily get into the urine and reach the urethra and the bladder. In the worst case, they can even ascend to the kidney. UTI is among the most common diseases: about 60% of the women and 12% of the men have this condition at least once during their lives.1 (Women are more endangered because their urethra is shorter, and it is easier for the bacteria to reach the bladder.) There are several factors known to increase the risk of UTI, including genetics (personal susceptivity), unhygienic conditions during sexual intercourse, aging, menopause (in case of women), enlarged prostate (men), anatomic abnormalities (especially in children), weak immune system (due to other conditions), poorly controlled diabetes, extensive using of catheters. UTI is considered to be the second most common form of infection.2

The typical symptoms of UTI are increased urgency of voiding, pain or burning sensation during the urination, cloudy urine or one with weird smell, blood in the urine and (for women) pelvic pain.

In most cases, UTI can be treated successfully with antibiotics, or antifungals if they are caused by bacteria or fungi, respectively.

However, the chance of a second infection is high: more than 50% for women above 55 years and 36% for the younger population.3 Recurrent UTI is a condition of three or more proven infections in 12 months or two infections in 6 months.

The current medical practice mostly focuses on prophylactic measurements; corresponding guidelines can be found on many Internet sites.4

It is assumed, on the other hand, that any initial damage to the GAG-layer caused by an infection (which frequently happens in severe UTI conditions) helps the bacteria to persist and cause more infections. Some theorize recurring UTIs can be one of the causes of IC/BPS, too.5

Unsurprisingly, several therapists have proposed a similar treatment for recurring UTIs as that of IC/BPS, restoring the integrity of the GAG-layer in recent years. This is to be performed effectively via bladder instillation. The same agents are used as in the case of IC/BPS,6 namely hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate (in Europa)7 and heparin (in the US)8. Some urologists even suggest that intravesical treatment with GAG-layer replenishments might be used in the prophylaxis of recurring UTIs9,10. Obviously, another possibility is instilling antibiotics into the bladder11, which can be an effective method of prophylaxis, or treating the infection if the patient has not responded to the less invasive (systematic) drug administration.

UroDapter®, as a new device for bladder instillation could help treat and prevent recurring UTIs, too. Non-invasive intravesical medicine administration is a tremendous advantage compared to the catheter since the latter device itself can be responsible for infections.

A contraindication of UroDapter® must be pointed out as well. In case of bacterial urethritis beside any other condition, using the UroDapter® might help the bacteria drift into the bladder, which could lead to a bladder infection. Therefore, if the urethra is affected in a bacterial infection, using a catheter is a safer way of the instillation.

Based on similar consideration, instillation performed by UroDapter® should not be applied within two days after sexual intercourse or during menstruation.
